The San Leandro branch of 1st United Credit Union is such a popular location that there was often a consistent queue of members extending outside the entrance. The interior space was constrained and lacked optimization, exacerbated by the building’s...
In the remote town of Willcox, Arizona, Cochise Credit Union sought to replace their outdated branch with a modern facility that could meet their operational needs and elevate their community presence. However, the project faced significant challenges due to the...
While working through the initial stages of creating a new branch, CoastLife Credit Union was simultaneously undergoing rebranding efforts, which were progressing much slower than anticipated. IBG crafted a design complementary to the larger branch in Portland,...
CoastLife Credit Union sought the perfect opportunity to enact their vision of a new, modern branch in the Corpus Christi metro area. But when choices piled up and complications arose, they turned to IBG as a trusted design and construction partner. CoastLife Credit...
Capital Educators Credit Union partnered with IBG to expand their branch network and enhance member experience in Caldwell, Idaho. With a selected location in place, the goal was to construct a building that aligned with their existing branches – featuring...